Isometric Exercise Programs Embracing The  N.A.K.E.D principal.

Isometric Exercise Programs Embracing The  N.A.K.E.D principal.




There is no doubt that early people were more resilient and reacted far differently to those found today, and over time many of our responses have been altered due to numerous "advances" in medicine and manipulation of the bodies processing of chemicals, both natural and introduced.

In later times, it was the brain that became far more advanced, leading to numerous discoveries that even now is developing at an rapid rate.

Machines, computers, science, the brain in a sense is also a living computer, capable of programming and addition to controlling all the body's functions.

The end result is that the brain, given its rapid development and the ability to create many things actually created or changed physiology...and now we find generally a different "makeup" on a cellular level which tho we have "genetic memory" this is not used.. a simplistic explanation.

It may sound "odd" however unconsciously, our bodies, in essence a very complex "machine" with many systems actually responds to the environment and then devotes more resources to adaptations, like bigger brains which even now is becoming far more apparent.

A classic example is often found in fairly recent history.

Ancient Egypt and construction..

Although basic machines were actually used...the majority of labour, quarrying and moving massive stone blocks was undertaken manually. 

The workers had to use significant physical strength albeit in numbers to move these materials for the building of cities, temples and of course the some cases these individual blocks actually weigh many tons and so these ancient people were actually extremely strong compared to today's was far less advanced, etc yet they built this enormous structures with a degree of engineering that still impress people today. 

They had less "illness", although life spans were often considerable shorter compared to people today.

Our genetic makeup is however the same as it once was, yet our abilities are often "degraded" to the complexity of our environment as it is today.. "adaptation" is at times they key word and it holds great meaning.

In our "modern world" the human body has adapted due to the effects of introducing synthetic medications, chemicals, genetically modified food, the use of advanced technology, essence much of the the more advanced we become at times, so too the challenges of maintaining a good physical and mental balance, using the body's natural systems can become difficult.

For some, we have been able to address that using similar old principles addressing a number of issues.

Identified Issues

These programs may assist in treating a number of issues, often found to be "stubborn" in conjunction with conventional medicine.

These include but are not limited to:

A: Depression and Anxiety.

B: Addressing weight discrepancies.

C: Pain management.

D: Body Image.

E: Eating Disorders.

F: Cognitive Function.

E: Disease Resistance.

G: Hormonal Imbalance.


This type of program is classed as complementary therapy and although it can used alongside conventional medical treatment it does not solely substitute for it and although all programs are professionally operated they do not substitute for primary medical care and engagement with your doctor is important.

In particular, at no time discontinue or alter dose of any prescription medication unless approved by your doctor.

Clearfield Estate. Pty Ltd (ABN 68 662 973 828 )Registered Office Suite No. 1567. 17 Gould Road Herston 4006 QLD